I'm not even going to make up any clever excuses regarding my lack of blogging. Suffice it to say that I'll do it when I can. (Whew...that's quite an attitude for a Saturday morning, missy! More delicious iced peppermint mocha w/cream, please!)
Today I'm going to brag about a friend of mine. She recently had an article published in the Indiana Adult Education newsletter about math instruction. In her typically modest manner, she announced this to her friends on Facebook by saying, "An article that I wrote has been published...that's kind of cool!" and included a link to the article.
Well, Brooke Istas, that's MORE than cool. That's (at the risk of sounding cliched) amazing! You see, Brooke works with me at our little community college in Kansas. She's a nationally known presenter, reviewer, and subject matter expert in the field of Adult Math and Numeracy. Officially, she's an instructional coordinator/math instructor in our Adult Basic Education program, but to her learners she's "Professor Brooke." Yes, her "learners." She does not call them students. They are participants in their learning process, and believe me, she holds them accountable.
Oftimes she'll be on the road, sharing her expertise in adult numeracy with eager colleagues all over the country. When home, on her restored, historic ranch, she trains for Iron Woman events, works with inmates at a correctional facility, and teaches online and F2F, along with her regular job. She also LOVES cupcakes and gets giddy when she sees country singer, Miranda Lambert, in the flesh in Tishomingo, Oklahoma.
Here's to you, Brooke Istas! You are an education Super Star, and I am proud to call you my friend!